Practical Ways of Assisting Hlanganani Orphan Care to care for the community
We need to have a person in charge of each of these to do the following:
We are nominally involved in each of these areas at the moment but it has much room for multiplication.
- finances
- communication,
- administration,
- implementation,
- follow up and
- report back, and
- making sure that the progress is continually monitored and
- the workers mentored.
The following require a team to support each one:
- Social Work and liaison
- Home Based Care and training and mentoring
- Youth Peer Care training and mentoring
- Clothing – collection and distribution, uniforms.
- Stationery and books
- Food – ordering and supply
- School Visits
- Ministry
- Tutoring
- Functions at schools
- School Reports and monitoring
- Enterprise – training and support
- Computer skills training
- Accounting and Finances
- Dept home Affairs – to get grants, id, certificates
- Housing repair; furniture collection and delivery
- Maintenance and security
- School Communication and Upliftment
- Funding
Contact usEach one of these will involve a team of supporters around them-: hopefully from and in the Surrounding Community. All of the above would be volunteer positions with no salary attached, unless we receive funding that can cover full time positions.