Currently, in Lanseria, we have 3 trained Home Based Carers in this area which cover Lanseria; Malajie; Lion Park; Drummond and Thabo Mbeki Village. There are 26 children living in these informal settlements. All of these children are still younger and have not headed into the working world yet. In 2021, we had our first matriculant heading out, and another one in 2022. It is such a great reward to see these children reach this point in their lives. They all receive toiletries and food once a month, should the finances allow.
One of the Home Based Carers has started a pre-school in Cosmo City, which is a venue for us and the children of Hlanganani. This school has 8 sponsored orphans as of 2023, as the government does not pay for pre-school education. We are hoping for 10 sponsored orphans in future if funds allow. Their teachers become the home-based carers for those children.
An investigation into the impact of Hlanganani Orphan Care (HOC) in changing lives of Orphans in Lanseria and Thabo Mbeki informal settlements.
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