Hlanganani Orphan Care was established by members of the community who felt compelled to address the orphan crisis in South Africa.
Hlanganani Orphan Care
“Hlanganani” means “get together”. We have all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” and we truly strive to fulfil this statement. We ensure that a child remains within their “village” or community, by creating a “village” or network of support for each child. This network is made up of local carers, organisations and businesses.
Hlanganani’s mission is to establish such a network of people, organisations and businesses so that we can provide expertise in uplifting a community by empowering its members to adequately care for orphans. Our goal is not to run the lives of orphans, but to empower them.
We are currently looking after 50 orphans and we are looking to expand…
This can only be achieved with your help.
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