How amazing that we already at the end of the year, which we closed, with the most wonderful time with the children, at the end of the year party.  

From Kirsten: The day dawned with dark, cloudy skies…would the weather hold out? Our kiddos were so excited for a day of swimming, fun on a slip ‘n slide, and of course, wonderful, delicious food! The weather was kind to us, and the kids got to enjoy all of the above. Tummies filled with chicken kebabs, rolls, coleslaw, watermelon, and chips was a great way to celebrate the year! And of course, an amazing cake from “Jessie’s Treats” in Douglasdale – thank you!

It was really special to be able to pray over and baptize 15 children, each child making a declaration to follow God and live a life that is pleasing to Him. Our prayer is that He will envelop each and every one in His love and protection.

A few serious matters also had to be discussed, specifically around the teenagers trying their best to improve their school grades next year and committing to making a greater effort in school or discussing with us an alternative route. The discussion was rounded up with a teaching from John 15 – Jesus is the “vine, and we are the branches” – the importance of being connected to Him in order to grow and have a fruitful life. Fun word searches and colouring sheets were enjoyed by all.

The day ended with the much-anticipated Christmas boxes! Hlanganani Orphan Care was incredibly blessed to receive support from Junction Church in Dainfern, where members generously helped gift Christmas boxes to our children. Lovely items such as t-shirts, flip flops, toys, tasty sweets, and essentials such as toiletries and stationery filled the colourfully wrapped boxes. The kids, young and old, were so excited; as each parcel was handed out, loud cheers and clapping were heard from and for each child!

Last but not least, as the children got ready to head home, those old enough got a fresh round of donated toilet paper packs to sell in their informal businesses – learning valuable entrepreneurial skills and making monies to spend on necessities and things they enjoy! It was an awesome day….

October was a busy month.  

Firstly, with celebrating “WORLD EGG DAY” with Chemunique. A team from their offices came with eggs galore to each of our 3 preschools.  They taught them about the nutritional value of eggs, made them French toast and entertained them with a puppet show about – its ok to look different to others – that’s your uniqueness! They then painted faces on “blown-out” eggshells.  I was amazed how gentle they were with the shells and no one crushed them in the process!

Secondly, Ruya projects (professional volunteers in the medical field) had organized a health day for screening the children for health issues.  Eyes were tested and follow ups were made with glasses for those that needed and ointment or drops.  They received their glasses this last weekend. Very happy children!

Audiology tests were done and followed up with wax removal or appointments to further test any issues.

Teeth were checked and follow up appointments for holes and treatment were also followed up.

This together with fine motor skills test, made for a thorough once over medical, for each child- to be done again as a follow up in two years time. 

Blessings Raining Down from Kirsten and Ryan Grey

We kicked off the month (October) with our usual mentoring groups in which we have been focusing on teaching the little ones to have faith and hope in God to see miracles happen in their lives (these are often hopes for basic necessities).

One young sibling pair who lives with their gogo (grandma) in a small shack saw God’s hand upon them in a wonderful way this past month. With South Africa jumping full force into our rainy season, the little family has struggled due to their tin shack leaking rather badly.

However, the Lord blessed them when some of our partners in ministry came out to visit us and, upon seeing the state of their shack/house, offered to pay for Mama F. to get a brand new roof then and there! It took a few days in the making, but the little family received a lovely new roof. There was much hugging and dancing with joy to be had, and best of all, no more wet or cold kiddos! 

Great news is that one of our little Gr R children has been taken under wing of Lonehill International Academy for a Cambridge education to begin in Grade 1 for 2023.

In November all the children did their final assessments. We await their results. We only have one matric student this year, we hope to hear good news for her soon!

We’ve had significant donations of second-hand clothing; food; washing machine; building renovations; tutoring volunteers; career opportunities to experience; birthdays recognized with scriptures and cards; prayer covering, ministry and many blessings over the year. We have been so amazed at the generosity of so many people around us to make our team more effective in making these children’s lives whole and meaningful with purpose and joy.

Thank you all for your God given generosity.  Enjoy your families and may we all be together again in 2023, healthy, safe and ready for the future.