There’s a buzz around stationary; textbooks; uniforms and new beginnings (and re-beginnings for the one who failed). We have been taking forms backwards and forwards for college applications. At some you might have small steps of success but then……..silence. Others, have helpful people, you make a little headway but then you have to get more forms; or affidavits; or medical certificates. Even to certify a special medical document in the middle of JHB and then there is no ink in the ink pad!!! Imagine this process, when you have no money for transport; you in a wheelchair; and transport charges for the wheelchair and yourself. Basically you have to pay for two people. I have been so proud of my children who I see pushing through despite the odds against them.
Our one and only Matric student passed and is entering into the process of application into police college training. I will also offer her the opportunity to go for driving lessons. If she makes the effort to get her learners license. This is one carrot I put out there, to help the process of passing!
Last year’s camp, in December, combined with their Santa Shoebox Christmas Party, was lots of fun………see the pics. So many volunteers popped in to help, to shop, prepare, cook, play and minister and pray. It was the true spirit of Hlanganani, “get together”.
We have had some news, which was quite disturbing. Some of the donation money that was used to buy materials to fix a shack…… the materials never got to them. They were “used elsewhere” along the way. So, the shack remains in it’s sad state (see photo), poor people. We will try again this year, to try to make their life more comfortable.
Subsequently, we have done some investigations (by a qualified social organisations worker) into the effectivity of our operations and the Home Based Carers and benefits to the children. This has resulted in some resignations of the Home Based Carers, who have no time due to now being employed and /or have been non-committal. With our model being different to all others, 2020 is a year for re-evaluation and fixing gaps. We are going to train well known and active Grannies in the communities, as home based carers and see how that comes together.
Our Lanseria donations sadly come to an end this year, as they have a 3-year cycle of investment into NGO/NPO organisations. This means that we look to God again, as always, to provide for the upcoming needs.
Exciting news, is that our safe house is going to be turned into an Early Childhood Development Center. It will be specifically catering for sponsored orphans. Government does not pay for preschool education. This means all those children who have no parents, never get a preschool education. This again adds to their plight, unless they have a sponsor. No birth certificate – you not allowed to participate in school activities. All others can (read and write) to a certain extent, while you haven’t even had any educational stimulation.
There is such a bounty of bad news out there, in the field and it makes me convinced that we are doing the right thing in Hlanganani’s existence. This is especially if it is love and moral support, to bring hope, encouragement and to celebrate small victories.
All of our best to you for 2020.
Kind regards Bonnie