Dear Supporters; Volunteers; Donors and Prayer Warriors; Stakeholders 

August has been and nearly gone, the children are preparing for their end of year matric farewells and final exams, please pray for them all. 

If anyone knows anyone that can offer learnerships, Germinah is wanting to go into nursing, Gift into engineering, Phakiso into hospitality…?, Zama into accounting and bookkeeping.

During the school holidays, some of the older children went to job shadow

 We had the privilege of Paradigm Shift doing a one day workshop on entrepreneurship…………lots of learning in a fun way. The children loved it! The solar lights which we offered for the children to start selling have not taken off as a project for marketing, but we can only try and motivate them and hope they will see the light 🙂

So many phone calls came in on Mandela day and we were thoroughly spoilt by CTI Fourways(Pearson); Standard Bank (Rosebank) and Oracle with food and donations. We had Christmas on Mandela Day! Thank you to you all!!!! 

Katherine Murray (a huge Hlanganani supporter) has sadly left us now heading home to Canada, she had the following to say about her stay:

My great big thanks to Bonnie, the caregivers, and the children for giving me the opportunity and honour to be involved with Hlanganani during my time in South Africa. I count it a great privilege. I deeply appreciate the kindness demonstrated towards me by the caregivers and children and thank you for welcoming me to be involved in Hlanganani.

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people (me) and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10

I felt very much the “student” during my time with Hlanganani and learned a lot. I have come to deeply value the emphasis of the Hlanganani model on empowerment. Our choices do effect powerful outcomes for our lives – good or bad. When we take ownership of our choices we see that wise, righteous and strategic choices can produce amazing good fruit in our lives. We do not need to be defined by our circumstances, other people, or our limitations. And in relationship with Jesus, making good choices with Him means the impossible becomes possible. What great hope! I have certainly been inspired by some of you in Hlanganani who are living this out.

“I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19.


We would like to thank all of you for your interest, love and prayers for Hlanganani. 

Without this loving support we would be nothing. May God bless and keep you!
