Hello again, we are back and well into the swing of the new year.  One of the children should be writing this newsletter, but it’s taken too long to get it out of them. Hopefully next time!


The good news is that so many of our children passed into the next grade this year, with only three having to repeat their grade, but I think they have learnt their lesson!  Two of our four matrics passed and the other two are writing supplementary exams now, so I hope and pray we will have 4 matriculants soon.  The two that passed – one is heading to business school and the other to do some Microsoft training, before heading into the big wide world.  Please always be aware that we are always looking for learnerships for these children, so keep your ears and eyes open for us.


The Home Based Carers did a magnificent job in getting the children all ready for school with their uniforms and stationary.  They had to hand in the children’s needs and the budget, then they were given the money.  All the slips had to be collected and added to make sure they did not overspend on their budget.  No uniforms were given if reports of the last year had not been handed in. (We soon had them all in hand).


We have already had our first clothing and toiletries distributed.  They were only allowed to have this if they achieved enough points on the token system that Josi introduced. They get an artificial R100 and can collect clothing that has been donated to that value, R5 for shirt/pants/skirt etc. This way they get to earn their clothing, try it on and be selective as in the real world.


Two boys we can be proud of: One of our boys was selected to go on a leadership camp for his school. The other to have an interview for a bursary for studying after school.  I have yet to hear the results of both,  I will tell you next time.


The big news is that I am entrusting the running of Hlanganani to the Home Based Carers themselves. I will still be in the background, hovering over all to make sure things move in the right direction. To take care of the finances is our wonderful Samantha Betz (Qualified), with me as Petty Cash (unqualified for that, except by experience). The Home Based Carers have been asked to:

  1. Organise the camp
  2. Organise discipleship and mentoring of the children
  3. Organise the job shadowing this year
  4. All administration of reports
  5. Get the token system up and running


The biggest news of all is that we have been donated sufficient money to put down a deposit on a house in Diepsloot!!! This we would like to get as a “Safe House”, for those that struggle to overcome a temporary difficulty in the home environment. We have approached the bank to see if they will give us a bond. At present, we have 50 days left to raise sufficient capital for the house should anyone want to contribute or raise up a team around them to support this endeavor. We are looking to raise a total of a half a million rand. We have asked for donations from the banks etc but nothing positive has come from them as yet…. If you wish to make a donation the bank details are on our website www.hlanganani.org.


Without you all, faithful supporters, none of the above would be happening.  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Till next time………………..

Kind regards,